Hey Everyone,
Since this wasn't the first trip that we've been on this summer, and I'm sitting at home while Kate gets to travel, I decided that I would show you some of the pictures from our trip to Jackson Hole. We began our trip by driving through the hot central valley, and pushing through the deserts known as 'Nevadaandutah'

during the night. We ended up driving until 5am the next morning where we promptly collapsed from exhaustion near the Utah/Wyoming border. Upon finally reaching Jackson the next day, we met up with our fabulous host Christina in her amazing condo. After wandering around Jackson during the first day we were itching to get up into the mountains, so Kate called her friend Tom and we wandered up to Death Canyon for a day hike. Little did I know it, but we would be taking these "hikes" everyday for the first 5 days that we were in Jackson.

This high altitude conditioning continued with a 3 day backpacking trip into the Teton's from the Westside of the park in the Targhee National forest. Neither Kate, Christina, nor I had been over on 'the other side' before, and it turned out to be amazingly different. The forest felt more lush and green and the valleys and hillsides followed the gradient of the uplifted rock layers rather than the steep canyons and cliffs of the East side. The first day we backpacked for 7 miles up a valley into an area called Alaska Basin that

boasts lakes, streams, beautiful views, and of course mosquitos (I think that this last aspect is the main reason for the name).
I tried my hand at fly fishing up there, and although the fish were literally jumping out of the lake into the air, the comedy of errors that I call fishing had me looking into the lake for the pieces of my rod that had fallen off more often than not. At least it was beautiful...

The next day Kate and I took off for a day hike to see what we could see, and 3 miles later we ended up on a pass, looking at the Tetons from the backside (scandalous, I know).

And then, after another failed fishing attempt the second night, I was actually able to land one early the third morning. Of course neither Kate nor Christina were on hand to backup my victorious moment. I swear it was "THIS BIG"...
Later in the morning, Christina was also able to snag one and we decided to call the fishing trip succesful (don't worry, no fish were harmed in this little exercise). The hike back down was as beautiful as the hike up, as we followed one of the rocky shelves that bordered the valley down to the car.
For the 4th of July, we car camped on a bluff overlooking the Tetons and the town of Jackson with Tom and some of his friends. We had a great show from both the fireworks over Jackson, and the amazing sunset that mother nature put on:

Later that week, we were lucky enough to get on the Snake river for some kayaking. It's a great river, with some nice and fluffy wavetrains, a

couple of nice jumping rocks, and some of the largest bald eagles that I've ever seen.
As thanks for her hospitality, Kate and I decided to cook Christina and her friends and family a nice big BBQ later that week, and although them were some good eats, we can't thank her enough.

After that we spent our time with Christina's extended family, crushing the oposition at wiffle ball, roasting some amazing smores (complete with melted chocolate), and doing one last hike up the Snow King hill behind Christina's house. All and all, I wish I had it to do all over again...